Strawberry Haze
Also known as Arjan’s Strawberry Haze, this marijuana strain is characterized by its strawberry smell and sweet taste as the name suggests. Strawberry Haze is bred from the combination of the Swiss sativa and the NL5 Haze Mist strains. It creates a cerebral high that can enhance the mood of its users and encourages creativity. This strain has a high THC level that can reach 20% and a low CBD level. Elected best marijuana strain in the Green House Very Important Smokers Panel in 2005, Strawberry Haze produces a very mild physical effect and induces sociability and talkativeness in its users.
This sativa-dominant strain is a beautiful tall plant that can reach 3m with long branches that are easy to maintain. This marijuana variety has massive buds, making it a delight for the demanding grower. Strawberry Haze is a great strain if you want to stay alert and active or want to party with your friends. The psychoactive is mild but comes with a relatively short putdown time. It’s a daytime strain that won’t impair the user’s cognitive ability.
Arjan’s Strawberry Haze has effective therapeutic properties that are suitable for medicinal marijuana users. This strain is believed to be very useful in the treatment of stress, fatigue and chronic pain. Some users also use it to treat depression, anxiety, and migraines and it’s also believed to possess the ability to reduce the symptoms of Alzheimer.
Strawberry Haze is created by Arjan from Greenhouse Seeds, an award-winning cannabis seeds company in Netherlands. This haze comes with a sweet strawberry taste and creates a high that strikes quickly and induces enlightenment. Strawberry Haze won the 1st prize in the Green House Very Important Smokers Panel In 2005.
Strawberry Haze plant is easy to grow and suitable for indoor cultivation and outdoor cultivation. It flourishes and produces greater yields in temperate and humid environments. When cultivated outdoors, it can grow as high as 3 meters under the right conditions. The flowering time of this strain is about 10 weeks and usually ready around the second week of October. It can deliver up to 600g/m² indoors and 800g/plant outdoors. Though it’s fairly easy to maintain, Strawberry Haze needs adequate care during cultivation and may not be suitable for novice growers.

What Consumers are Saying:
The Arjan’s Strawberry Haze strain is known for a lot of positive effects. Outlined below are some of these effects as reported by it users:
The Positives
- Creative
- Happy
- Chatty
- Uplifted
- Energized

Potential Medical Benefits
Below are a list of conditions that Strawberry Haze may be helpful in managing. We have selected these conditions based upon two sources: reviews from consumers who report using the strain to manage these symptoms, and/or substantial scientific evidence suggesting that its dominant terpenes may help manage the conditions listed below.
The Negatives
Some users reported dry mouth, dry eyes, paranoia, anxiety, headaches and dizziness.