IN Marijuana Dispensary Guide
Indiana Regulated Cannabis Program overview
Type of program: NONE
Currently, Indiana has some of the most stringent marijuana laws in the country. Shockingly, even possession of one joint can potentially be punishable by a fine of $5,000 or a year in prison. Tragically, African-Americans remain 3.5 times more susceptible to arrest for marijuana possession than whites.
As you can guess, there are no medical marijuana dispensaries in Indiana. However, some legislators in the state are working hard to change the archaic laws and establish a legal program under which patients suffering from a list of qualifying medical conditions can obtain an Indiana medical marijuana card.
Indiana’s 2021 legislative session started with nearly a dozen bills regarding the state’s handling of medical and recreational marijuana laws. Many of them dealt specifically with medical marijuana. Only one managed to find its way to the governor’s office. The rest were ignored and set aside.
Indiana’s medical marijuana program has been sidelined yet again, in spite of the many bills introduced in recent years. At least a dozen cannabis bills regarding regulations, decriminalization, and legalization were put on the table. Not one of them received a committee hearing.
Indiana dispensaries
At this time the state of Indiana prohibits the sale, possession, and use of all marijuana products and there are no medical marijuana doctors in Indiana.
Marijuana Deliveries RX
Available Menu products
The state of Indiana allows the sale, possession, and consumption of all hemp-derived CBD products. These CBD products can be purchased online or at local shops in the state.
Indiana medical marijuana bills:
Senate Bill 104 - authored by Sen. Greg Taylor
Indiana Senate Bill 104 would allow medical marijuana patients visiting from out of state the right to possess all forms of cannabis and paraphernalia. This would apply to individuals with a terminal diagnosis or a life-threatening, untreatable condition, who have received written certification from a physician stating that the patient benefits from a medical marijuana regimen.
Although it was referred to the Committee on Corrections and Criminal Law, it never received a hearing.
Senate Bill 87 - authored by Karen Tallian
Indiana Senate Bill 87 was written to establish the Cannabis Commission for the regulation of all forms of legal cannabis in the State of Indiana. This would include low THC hemp extract and industrial hemp.
Although it was referred to the Committee on Corrections and Criminal Law, it never received a hearing.
Senate Bill 321 - authored by David Neizgodski
Indiana Senate Bill 321 was written specifically to establish a five-year medical marijuana program to be administered by the Indiana State Department of Health. The bill sought to reduce first offense possession of marijuana, hashish, hash oil, and salvia to a Class C infraction. A Second offense would receive a Class C misdemeanor. A Class A misdemeanor would be applied for a subsequent offense if the individual was in possession of more than the specified limit.
The bill was referred to Committee on Corrections and Criminal Law where it did not receive a hearing.
House Bill 1026 - authored by Rep. Jim Lucas
Indiana House Bill 1026 allows the administration of medical marijuana by individuals with a debilitating medical condition in possession of written certification by a physician. Bill 1026 also required proper labeling deemed to be non-appealing to children, for all medical marijuana products.
Furthermore, the bill prohibits cooperation with federal law enforcement who would enforce the criminalization of state-sanctioned medical marijuana. Additionally, the bill prohibits any intervention or harassment of medical marijuana users by law enforcement.
This proposed medical marijuana program would be led by the Indiana Department of Health.
Although the bill was referred to the Committee on Public Health, it never received a hearing.
House Bill 1214 - authored by Rep. Sue Errington & John Bartlett
House Bill 1214 would establish a legal medical marijuana program in addition to allowing patients and caregivers with a doctor’s recommendation the right to possess a legal amount of cannabis. The bill would also designate both a regulatory agency to oversee the program, as well as an advisory committee to consider recommendations and gauge the efficiency of the program.
Although the bill was referred to the Committee on Public Health, it never received a hearing.
House Bill 1547 - authored by Rep Zach Payne, Jake Teshka & Heath VanNatter
House Bill 1547 was written to effectively establish a medical marijuana program to be overseen by the Indiana State Department of Health.
The bill also sought to reduce harsh penalties for possession of marijuana, hashish, hash oil, and salvia. Additionally, the bill stated that an individual’s probation may not be revoked for testing positive for marijuana or a metabolite of marijuana.
Although the bill was referred to the Committee on Public Health, it never received a hearing.
Indiana marijuana Laws
Patient possession limits
Home cultivation
Growing marijuana for personal use is prohibited in the state of Indiana. Doing so may result in felony charges, even if it is being cultivated for legitimate medical reasons.
Workplace laws
Marijuana, medical or otherwise is strictly prohibited anywhere in the state of Indiana, including all workplaces.
Patient Privacy
National Hippa laws dictate that all medical marijuana patient’s info is private. However, all forms of cannabis are prohibited in the state of Indiana, and no privacy laws have been established.
Marijuana, medical or otherwise is prohibited everywhere in the state of Indiana, even on rented, private properties.
Indiana hemp and CBD laws
The state of Indiana allows the sale, possession, and consumption of all hemp-derived CBD products. These CBD products can be purchased online or at local shops in the state.
Ultimate CBD Guide for Beginners | NatD
Indiana CBD Guide | ILCBD
Marijuana-related DUI laws in Indiana
Driving under the influence of marijuana in the state of Indiana could result in the same harsh penalties as alcohol-related offenses.
Public consumption laws in Indiana
Public consumption of marijuana, medical or otherwise is strictly prohibited in the state of Indiana.
Social consumption
Indiana marijuana and guns
Marijuana, medical or otherwise is still categorized as an illegal Schedule I Controlled Substance on a federal level. This law makes it illegal for anyone in the state of Indiana to purchase guns or ammunition if they also consume any marijuana products.
What Gun Owners Need To Know Before Getting a Medical Marijuana Card