Member Berries Balanced Hybrid creative

Member Berries


Member Berry is a balanced hybrid strain with 50% sativa and 50% indica. However, some sources claim that this strain is more indica-leaning. It was created by Ethos Genetics in Colorado. Member Berry is a cross between the mysterious Skunkberry and the indica dominant Mandarin Sunset.

The appearance of Member Berry is a captivating, beautiful green buds with orange colored pistils and snowy trichomes sparsely spread out. The plants grow tall and give decent yields.

Member Berry has a characteristic tarty and fruity smell with some citrus lurking in the background. It has high THC content that may get to 28%, making this a celebrated strain for inducing appetite. The high will last long, be prepared to feel a little bit excited and euphoric after taking Member Berry.

Once you get accustomed to the high you can take this strain at any time of the day because it is not sedating. The hit on the body is gentle and relaxing and will ease your aches away. This is also a good social strain and can help in case you suffer from social anxiety disorder. It will help you let go of inhibitions and be able to engage with others in a meaningful way.

Member Berry has a gentle smoke that can be enjoyed by new patients as well. The soothing effects are great for dealing with loss of appetite, migraines, stress and fatigue.

Strain Type
This is a balanced hybrid strain with 50% sativa and 50% indica. Some sources consider this an indica dominant strain. It has 22%-28% THC and less that 1% CBD.

Member Berries was created by master breeders at Ethos Genetics. This strain is a cross between Skunkberry and Mandarin Sunset.

Member Berries Balanced Hybrid cannabis strain

Terpene Profile

Member Berry is a strain that is rich in terpenes, you can easily pick this from the rich aromas of the fresh buds. Given that this is a highly medicinal strain, the terpenes just add to the therapeutic good of the plants.

Terpenes may vary from batch to batch, but most Member Berry strains will have an abundance of: Myrcene, Limonene, Caryophyllene and phellandrene.


This terpene is commonly found in mangoes and lemon grass and it has strong sedative properties. Member Berry is relaxing but will not induce sedation, so myrcene will add to this relaxing effect.


You will find limonene in the rind of most citrus fruits. This terp is a mood elevator and is loved by patients with depressive tendencies.


This terp is common in many cannabis strains. When present, it helps in the management of pain and may be a suitable replacement for opioids which come with many adverse effects.


This terp is common in many cannabis strains. When present, it helps in the management of pain and may be a suitable replacement for opioids which come with many adverse effects.

What Consumers are Saying:

Member Berries has smooth and uplifting effects on the mind. This quickly translates to a feeling of spaciness accompanied by increased focus and a burst of creativity. New patients may experience something different, like an overwhelming sense of being wiped out. This may also be accompanied by hunger, good for you if you suffer from poor appetite. 

The Positives

  • Hungry
  • Euphoric
  • Creative
  • Focused
  • Talkative

Potential Medical Benefits

Below are a list of conditions that Member Berries may be helpful in managing. We have selected these conditions based upon two sources: reviews from consumers who report using the strain to manage these symptoms, and/or substantial scientific evidence suggesting that its dominant terpenes may help manage the conditions listed below.

The Negatives

Some users reported dry mouth, dry eyes, paranoia, and dizziness.

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