First 48
First 48 is a powerful slightly sativa-dominant hybrid created by Swamp Boy Seeds and bred by crossing The White and Orange Blossom Trail strains. It produces hard buds with medium height plants and a strong aroma that generates a great rush. It creates an uplifting high on its users. With low CBD levels and high THC levels that can reach 23%, First 48 is a perfect strain for the new growers because of its small size and short flowering period.
First 48 is a nighttime strain that is usually recommended during the hours before sleep due to its powerful sedative effect. This strain also creates high cerebral effects that relax the brain and muscles of its users. The effect is intense with a long-lasting down-time. It is also known to reduce aggressiveness but can cause mild hallucinations when used in large doses.
First 48 is also a medicinal strain that is used to reduce the symptoms of stress, anxiety, pain and improve appetite. Some of its users also say it can be used to treat insomnia, nausea and muscular problems. Some recreational marijuana users say they appreciate this highly potent strain for its relaxing and joyful effects and love using it during rainy days or when they need to generally de-stress and zone-out.

What Consumers are Saying:
The Positives
- Euphoria
- Happiness
- Focus
- Creativity
- Relaxing
- Uplifting

Potential Medical Benefits
Below are a list of conditions that First 48 may be helpful in managing. We have selected these conditions based upon two sources: reviews from consumers who report using the strain to manage these symptoms, and/or substantial scientific evidence suggesting that its dominant terpenes may help manage the conditions listed below